Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Defensive Driving Tips from an Accident Attorney in Rapid City SD

Accident Attorney Rapid City SD
As an accident attorney in Rapid City SD, we represent clients that have been injured in a car accident.  This happens to millions of people, and some of our clients have suffered from being in multiple car accidents.  As a personal injury lawyer, our job is to make sure that our clients' rights are protected and that they receive the compensation they deserve for their injuries.  What we do is important but we also want our clients to know how to avoid an accident and becoming injured in the first place. As such, here are our favorite defensive driving tips in order to stay safe and to avoid getting into a car wreck.

Stay focused on the road.  
This is a simple step that makes a big difference.  Distracted driving is a major cause of car accidents.  Now that virtually everyone has a cell phone, texting or talking while driving has become the norm and, as a result, distracted driving accidents are on the rise.  This is not the only thing that can cause an accident.  Talking to the kids, putting on makeup and eating can also cause a driver to be distracted and lose site of the road.  We recommend that you take extra precautions to focus on the road and what is going on around you so that if another driver is distracted and doesn’t see you, you have time to move out of the way.  You can start by removing any distractions that you face.  For example, tell the kids that when you are driving it is quiet time, and they should read a book.  You can also put your cell phone away so that you aren’t tempted to answer it.

Get a tune up.
It is important to keep your car in excellent condition.  If you are driving a vehicle that has worn out tires or bad brakes, you won’t be able to respond quickly and avoid an accident.  Instead, get your oil changed every 3,000 miles and have them check your brakes and tires when you do.  If they recommend getting them replaced, do so in a timely fashion in order to keep your car in good condition.  You should also check the lights on your car to make sure that they are working properly so that other cars can tell when you are braking or turning.  As an accident attorney in Rapid City SD, we have spoken with many drivers that were able to avoid a wreck by stopping suddenly or swerving out of the way.  This is possible when your car is in good condition. 

Watch for danger signs.
There are factors that can lead to an accident beyond another vehicle.  For example, a child or dog running into the road, bad weather, downed power lines, debris, etc.  All of these factors and more can lead to a car accident.  While practicing defensive driving, you need to be alert and look to see what is around you that could create a problem.  Slow down when you see these danger signs so that you can avoid them or stop suddenly if you need to. 

Practice being a defensive driver on a daily basis.  This way you can avoid a car accident.  If, however, you do get into a wreck call an accident attorney in Rapid City SD